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3 Ways to Discern God is Moving You in a New Direction!

Invariably there will come a time in your spiritual journey when the Lord will solicit your cooperation in permitting Him to guide you in a new way. His preference is that that you would sense His leading and fully cooperate. Often, however, the Lord must intervene in the affairs of our life to secure our attention and place us on the pathway He desires. Here are 3 strategies God employs to do so.

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Shifting into our next assignment requires that we recognize the closure of one season and the beginning of the next. I have learned that sometimes what we think is the resistance of the enemy is in fact the insistence of our Heavenly Father that we let go and move into our new future.

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    Sometimes what we perceive as man’s rejection is in reality God‘s redirection for our protection and perfection!

    Glenn Bleakney is the founder of Awake Nations as well as the Kingdom Community. Learn more by visiting and